
The College provides an opportunity for students to learn in a safe, secure Islamic environment. Drawing on its Islamic values, the College is committed to preparing the students socially, emotionally and academically for a rapidly changing world. We are acutely aware that knowledge is more easily available now, and students need the skills to acquire relevant knowledge rather than simply being given it.

With expert guidance and access to appropriate technologies, our young men and women develop a positive sense of self and the confidence to go on learning. Our curriculum is diverse and academically challenging. We offer a rich and engaging curriculum through a large range of subject areas. We take pride in ensuring our courses of study reflect current educational thinking, and that they are aligned with the AusVELS, AusVELS incorporates the Australian Curriculum F–10 for English, Mathematics, History and Science within the curriculum framework first developed for the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). AusVELS uses an eleven level structure to reflect the design of the new Australian Curriculum whilst retaining Victorian priorities and approaches to teaching and learning. Our teaching program is supported by the College Resiliency Programs and co-curricular activities, as well as a great variety of curriculum-based excursions and in-school activities.

A diverse curriculum program is offered to students from the Preparatory Year (Foundation) right through to VCE level, with a range of core and elective subjects. The atmosphere adopted and developed is one in which learning is valued, excellence is encouraged and effort is recognised and praised.
In Years 7-9 a traditional core curriculum is compulsory and includes English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, LOTE (Arabic), IT, Islamic Studies, Quran, Physical Education, Personal Development, Art, Food Technology, Electronics and Horticulture.

In Year 10, students are exposed to more demanding learning in preparation for the VCE years. All students have the opportunity to study a VCE Unit 1 and 2 subject. The purpose of this is to introduce them to the demands and structure of VCE and allow, those who are able, to pursue a Unit 3 and 4 subject in Year 11.

In Years 11 and 12 our students study for VCE. Students can study a wide range of subjects and are assisted in the subject selection process by the College’s Career Counsellor, offering individual guidance and support. Since the commencement of 2014 the College has provided VCAL as an alternate pathway.

Years 7-9

Subjects Offered:

The following elective subjects rotate on a one semester basis:

Year 10

Subjects Offered:

Students can choose one of the following VCE subjects:

Years 11 & 12

Subjects Offered:

Extra-Curricular Activities

The school has increased the number of extra-curricular activities it offers the students over the years. The activities range from Islamic camps and lectures, Annual Quran competitions, Drama, Public Speaking, Debating and Inter- school competitions. Through these extended learning experiences, students foster and develop a sense of achievement and pride of their school and of themselves as young Australian Muslims.